ketchikan community resources
Childbirth education and newborn care
Ketchikan General Hospital, 225-5171 ext.320 Children's mental health Community Connections, 907-225-7825 Domestic Violence Intervention WISH, 907-225-9474 Food & Housing PATH Homeless Shelter, 225-4194 Salvation Army, 907-225-5277 Free medical insurance for children Denali Kid Care, 1-800-478-2221 Health & Medical Contacts Ketchikan Indian Community, ph: 228-5907-88, fax: 907-228-4920 Ketchikan Indian Corporation, 2907-25-4061 Gateway Center for Human Services, ph: 907-225-4135, fax: 907-247-4135 Ketchikan General Hospital, 907-228-8300 Public Health Center, 907-225-4350 Information about choosing quality child care AEYC, 1-888-785-1235 Information about state social services (AK Info), 1-800-478-2221 Library story times , 907-225-0370 |
Parents classes, counseling, support groups
Gateway Center for Human Services , 907-225-4135 Head Start, Ketchikan (Rural Cap) , 907-225-7499 Head Start, Saxman (Tlingit and Haida) Sept-May, ph: 907-225-8728, fax: 907-225-8729 Ketchikan Indian Corporation, 907-225-4061 ORCA, 907-225-6722 Parents as Teachers, 907-247-7499 Screening and support for developmental delays Community Connections, 907-225-5396 Supplemental food and nutrition information (WIC), 907-225-3392 Social and Youth Groups for Kids First Book Southern Alaska, 907-228-4256 (message), Ketchikan Public Library, 907-225-0370 City of Ketchikan Museum, 907-225-5600 Ketchikan Gateway Borough Recreational Center, 907-225-9579 Ketchikan Boys and Girls Club, 907-247-CLUB Big Brothers Big Sisters Ketchikan, 907-247-3350 WISH, 907-225-9474 Kids After School Programs Ketchikan Football League, 907-247-3319 Ketchikan Soccer League, 907-225-5975 Ketchikan Theatre of Ballet, 907-225-9311 Ketchikan Softball Association , 907-225-2745 Girls Scouts, 907-225- 9347 Ketchikan Youth Court, 907-225-2293 Ketchikan Running Club, 907-225-6854 (message) Team Diabetes Events, 907-247-5283 (message) Ketchikan Lions Club, 907-225-8682 (message) Ketchikan Area Arts and Humanities Council, 907-225-2211 Southeast Discovery Center (Family Activities and Events), 907-228-6220 Volunteer Opportunities Ketchikan Pioneer Home, 907-225-4111 Ketchikan Senior Center, 907-225-6575 Rendezvous Day Center, 907-247-1961 News Sitnews Capital City Weekly Ketchikan Daily News KTKN Radio |